in english

Спутник Sputnik

Молодое рекламное агентство из Москвы Moscow- based young advertising agency

the red one sputnik
the teal one sputnik
the blue one sputnik
the orange one sputnik
the cyan one sputnik
blue card back side
blue card back side
cyan card back side
pink card back side
cyan card back side
red card back side
red card front side
blue card front side
teal card front side
pink card front side
blue card front side
cyan card front side
sputnik life
sputnik red logo small

Еще три концепта Another three concepts


red sun logo
red sun text under the logo
blue sun logo
blue sun text under the logo
green sun logo
green sun text under the logo
corporate identity sputnik media card
grey sun logo



logo from the third concept
a few logo variations for the third sputnik media concept