in english

login round-shaped element with empty fields for you to sign in
grey colored circle
grey colored circle
grey colored circle
grey colored circle
colored fog in the header
grey colored circle
grey colored circle
the devider
grey colored circle a bit bigger in its size
grey colored circle a bit bigger in its size
grey colored circle a bit bigger in its size
grey colored circle a bit bigger in its size
grey colored circle a bit bigger in its size
grey colored circle a bit bigger in its size
dark circle big sized
dark circle big sized
golden circle middle sized
golden circle middle sized
dark circle middle sized
dark circle middle sized
grey colored circle a bit bigger in its size
grey colored circle a bit bigger in its size

Сайт Алесы Alesa site

Сайт молодой певицы и актрисы Алесы Young singer and actress Alesa website

dusty imac with the main page opened on it
it is strictly forbidden to use the control elements inside the imac, dear user! Thanks for understanding!
this right scrolling button doesn't work now. Sorry for your time, man!
the arrow
the blue devider
the typewriter
background for the iphone alesa section
moon, i suppose
alesa password reminder
alesa password reminder
the new password form
the new password form
small blue colored circle
small blue colored circle
middle sized blue colored circle
middle sized blue colored circle
grey colored circle a bit bigger in its size
grey colored circle a bit bigger in its size
grey colored circle
grey colored circle
white iphone with the sign in page opened on it, though it looks like it is not a mobile version of, though you have to understand that it is still 2010 outdoors — so there were no such problem that time yet
the search box
pigeon mail
dirt in the bottom
write new message
read message
inbox messages
the beige colored fog
grey colored circle a bit bigger in its size
grey colored circle a bit bigger in its size
alesa video page
audio player for the website
you can even generate alesa-themed e-cards and send them to any of the users
fancy black iphone from the future showing the events that might seem look like interesting for Alesa fans
seemingly useless objects
ipad photos
iphone photos
profile starring the main Alesa fan of all times — meet Yaroslav Zhalnin
fog with the triple element
ipad biography
grey colored circle a bit bigger in its size
grey colored circle a bit bigger in its size
grey colored circle